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cba madeinchina

zmhk 2024-06-28
cba madeinchina       现在,我将着重为大家解答有关cba madeinchina的问题,希望我的回答能够给大家带来一些启发。关于cba madeinchina的话题,我们开始讨论吧。1.Wet,n,Wild口红
cba madeinchina

       现在,我将着重为大家解答有关cba madeinchina的问题,希望我的回答能够给大家带来一些启发。关于cba madeinchina的话题,我们开始讨论吧。




cba madeinchina



















































       178查天一183朱焱淼181韩雨洋178王恒182黄渲茗183艾志远193刘欢 176陈登星

       186 潘峰 176 矣进宏









       别 名:杭州“扣篮帝”

       国 籍:中国

       民 族:汉族





















































       I. 单项填空

       ( ) 1. ---Hi, John. Where did you ______ your winter holiday this year?

        ---Well, we stayed in Harbin.

        A. have B. spend C. use D. cost

       ( ) 2. Did you see Mary’s sister? What does she ______?

        A. be like B. is like C. look like D. like

       ( ) 3. The book describes a girl ______ Alice.

        A. calling B. name C. called D. to call

       ( ) 4. ---Excuse me, sir. Would you like to have a look at the ______ now?

        ---OK. By the way, are there any specials in your restaurant today?

        A. order B. dish C. cook D. menu

       ( ) 5. He decided to do it by himself and wouldn’ listen to my ______.

        A. exercise B. suggestion C. word D. music

       ( ) 6. When the telephone rang, he stopped ______ the novel and got up to answer it.

        A. to read B. reading C. reads D. be read

       ( ) 7. Look! Two students are standing ______ the class making a dialogue.

       A. in the front of B. in front of C. next to D. outside

       ( ) 8. He is a good basketball player ______ the city’s basketball team.

       A. for B. on C. in D. with

       ( )9. This is a difficult problem. Let’s have a meeting to ______ it.

        A. report B. watch C. show D. discuss

       ( ) 10. ---Where are my toys, mum? ---Oh, I ______ them under the bed.

        A. left B. put C. took D. made

       ( ) 11. If you are ______, we can stop to have dinner.

        A. tired B. angry C. sleepy D. hungry

       ( ) 12. ---Can you tell me how I can ______ my spoken English?

        ---Practice it every day.

        A. learn B. improve C. study D. speak

       ( ) 13. ---I want to know your idea about ______.

        ---Well, I think that’s something popular.

        A. museum B. fashion C. soap opera D. culture

       ( ) 14. At the class meeting, many students gave their ______ about family rules.

        A. sounds B. opinions C. situations D. minds

       ( ) 15. ---What does your father ______ your new jeans?

        ---He doesn’t like it at all.

        A. like of B. look at C. look for D. think of

       II. 补全对话

       (A) 从方框内所给句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面对话。

       A: Good afternoon! Can I help you?

       B: Yes, please! ___1___

       A: We have many popular kinds, like Nike, Adidas and so on.

       B: I like the things made in China. ___2___

       A: Yes, Li Ning is also popular here. What about this pair? ___3___

       B: Well, I don’t want a new kind. But I’d like a practical(实用的) kind.

       A: This pair looks nice. It came to the market half a year ago. It sells well.

       B: ___4___

       A: 350 yuan.

       B: ___5___ But I’ll take them.

       A. That’s a bit expensive. B. It’s a new kind in the market.

       C. I’m looking for a pair of sports shoes. D. Do you have Li Ning sports shoes?

       E. Sorry, we don’t have any. F. How much are they?

       G. I want a pair of Nike shoes.


       A: Hello, can I help you?

       B: Hello. I want to order a pizza.

       A: Sure.What ___1___ would you like?

       B: I’d like a large pizza

       A: ____2____ on it?

       B: Tomatoes and mushrooms.

       A : OK. Anything else?

       B: No, thanks.

       A: Your ____3____, please?

       B: 65 Fifth Avenue.

       A: And your ____4_____?

       B: It’s 6611019 .

       A:That’ll be 2 dollars.And we’ll deliver your pizza in 20 minutes.

       B: Thanks a lot.

       A: ____5_____.

       III. 完形填空

       A man went into a restaurant one day. He sat down at the __1__ near the window. A waiter came up to __2__ and said, “Can I help you, sir?” The man said, “Can I see the __3__, please? I would like a __4__ meal(餐).” Then the man __5__ a lot of nice dishes. The waiter got them for him at once. The man was eating his meal. At that time a boy came in and sat down next to the man. He asked the __6__ to give him an ice-cream. The man says, “I go out __7__ a newspaper.” Then he went out. After the boy ate his ice-cream up, he __8__ and went to the door.

       “__9__, your father doesn’t give the money for the meal and your ice-cream,” the waiter stopped him and said.

       “Father? No, I don’t __10__ him. I meet him in the street. He says he can give me an ice-cream if I come here on time.”

       ( ) 1. A. desk B. chair C. sofa D. table

       ( ) 2. A. her B. him C. them D. it

       ( ) 3. A. newspaper B. food C. menu D. price

       ( ) 4. A. cheap B. good C. lot D. bad

       ( ) 5. A. ordered B. made C. cooked D. ate

       ( ) 6. A. waiter B. man C. boy D. father

       ( ) 7. A. with B. as C. for D. and

       ( ) 8. A. sat down B. stood up C. went to bed D. had a rest

       ( ) 9. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Hello D. OK

       ( ) 10. A. like B. help C. know D. tell

       IV. 阅读理解

       Passage 1

       Mr Green kept hundreds of chickens on his farm. He sold the eggs and the meat to the local people. He got quite a lot of money from it, but he lived in a very hot part of the country, and he found that his hens laid(下) few eggs in summer. So he decided to put air conditioners(空调) into the chicken house in order to let the hens lay well all the year. By this he could have more eggs and get more money.

       After Mr Green called the air conditioner company, a worker from the company came to see Mr Green. He thought that he might make Mr Green buy more air conditioners.

       “Your wife may be very happy if you buy air conditioners for your house,” he said to Mr Green. But Mr Green was not interested. “My wife doesn’t lay eggs,” he said.

       ( ) 1. Mr Green ________.

       A. was a fruit farmer B. sold air conditioners

       C. sold vegetables D. was a chicken farmer

       ( ) 2. His hens laid few eggs in ________.

       A. summer B. spring C. winter D. autumn

       ( ) 3. He thought the hens didn’t lay many eggs because they were ______

       A. old B. thin C. too hot D. young

       ( ) 4. He wanted to put air conditioners into ______.

       A. his office B. the bedroom

       C. the chicken house D. the living room

       ( ) 5. The underlined word it means ________.

       A. the farm house B. selling eggs and meat to other people

        C. meat D. living in a very hot part of the country

       Passage 2

       ( ) 6. You can have breakfast ________.

       A. at 7:00 in the morning B. at 9:00 in the morning

       C. at 9:45 am D. at 8:00 am

       ( ) 7. You can go to the coffee house at ______.

        A. 10:00 B. 11:30 C. 1:00 am D. 11:00

       ( ) 8. If you want to have breakfast in your room, you need to ________.

        A. fill in a card and put it outside B. make a telephone call to the waiter

       C. find a waiter and tell him

       D. buy your breakfast in the dining room and bring it back to your room

       ( ) 9. Which one of the following is RIGHT?

       A. You can see a film on Monday evening.

       B. The film begins at 19:00 every evening.

       C. You can buy some things in the hotel shop at 16:30.

       D. You can have dinner at 9:00 in the evening.

       ( ) 10. Dining room is a room for ________.

       A. washing clothes B. having meals

       C. waiting for rooms D. dancing

       Passage 3

       Welcome to Parkside, a very famous area of London. Your walking tour(游览) begins on First Street at the Windsor Hotel. Turn left out of the hotel, and walk down to Stanley Street. On the corner you will see the historic Parkside library. Many people think this is a very beautiful building in Parkside. Cross first Street, but be careful, because it is a very busy street. Walk down Stanley Street to Second Street. On the corner of Stanley Street and Second street you will find the Grand Hotel. This famous hotel is 100 years old. Turn right into Second Street. Next to the Grand Hotel you will see the Parkside Museum. This is the oldest(最古老的) building in the city. Look across the street and you will see Garden Park. Next to Garden Park, on the right, is the City Zoo. Keep walking down Second Street to Walker Avenue. On the corner of Second Street and Walker Avenue is the Tourist Shop. Here you can buy postcards of Parkside. Continue walking down Walker Avenue, and you will find yourself back at the Windsor Hotel.

       ( ) 1.This passage is _______.

       A. a newspaper article B. a tourist guide

       C. an advertisement D. a story

       ( ) 2. Parkside is _______.

        A. a city B.a town C. part of a city D. a country

       ( ) 3. The oldest building in Parkside is a ________.

        A. museum B. library C. hotel D. zoo

       ( ) 4. Parkside is a good place for people to enjoy ________.

        A. shopping B. sightseeing C. sports D. food

       ( ) 5. Parkside is in _______.

        A. China B. Britain C. Japan D. America

       Passage 4

       In the world today, all of the people need to relax. We cannot work all the time if we want to be healthy and enjoy life.

       Everyone has his own way of relaxing. A very popular way is to take part in sports. There are team sports, such as basketball and soccer. There are also individual sports, such as swimming and running. Skating and mountain climbing are the most popular recreation for people who like to be outdoors.

       Some people enjoy sports but don’t want to take part in them. They like watching sports games on TV or listening to them on the radio. So these people like some ways of indoor recreation, such as watching TV, singing and dancing.

       Different recreations make people have healthy body and mind. They know when to work and when to relax. When they feel relaxed, they can have much energy(精力) for their work. So people should(应该) know how to work, but they should also know how to relax.

       ( )1. A very popular way of recreation is ______.

        A. doing sports. B. watching TV

       C. sleeping D. singing and dancing

       ( )2. People want to take part in sports to __________.

        A. keep healthy and enjoy life B. make friends

       C. find a good job D. make money

       ( )3. Which of the following is an outdoor recreation?

        A. watching TV B. singing

       C. listening to the radio D. skating

       ( )4. What do you think the phrase “all the time” mean in Chinese?

        A. 寻常地 B. 间歇地

       C. 一直地 D. 努力地

       ( )5. The passage mainly tells us that__________.

        A. basketball is a kind of team sport

        B. everyone liks doing sports in their free time

        C. different people have different ways of relaxing

        D. indoor recreation is important

       Passage 5

       Dick works in an office in the city. He works very hard and really looks forward to his holiday.

       He usually goes to the seaside(海边), but this year his friend tells him to go to the farm for a holiday. There’s good food and clean air. People can ride horses, have a walk and go fishing there.

       “That’s a good idea.” he thinks, “I’ll spend a month on the farm. I’ll enjoy horse riding, walking and fishing. I’ll make a change. He is ready to spend his holiday on the farm. Then, he leaves for the farm. Four days later, he comes back home. “What’s wrong with the farm?” his friend Jim asks, “Did you enjoy your country life?” “Yes, country life was fine,” Dick says, “but there’s another problem.” “Oh? What?” Jim asks. “Well,” he says, “the first day I was there, a sheep died, and we had roast lamb(烤羊) for dinner.” “What’s wrong with that?” Jim says, “Fresh(新鲜) meat is the best.” “ I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.” “That’s great.” Jim cries. “You don’t understand,” Dick says. “On the third day a pig died and we had roast pork for dinner.” “A different roast every day,” Jim says, “why are you still complaining(抱怨)?” “Let me finish.” Dick says, “On the fourth day, the farmer died and I didn’t dare(敢) to stay for dinner!”

       1. Where does Dick usually go for a holiday?


       2. Why does Dick want to go to the farm for a holiday?


       3. How many days does Dick spend on the farm?


       4. When did Dick eat the roast beef for dinner?


       5. Why does Dick came back so early?



       1. Yesterday I went to the supermarket and ________(预订) a new kind of bike.

       2. On his way ________(往回去) home, he lost his key.

       3. I ________(真正地) don’t agree with you.

       4. Is there ________(任何事物) else in the bag?

       5. I usually have some ________(粥) for breakfast before I leave for work in the morning.

       6. The policeman ________(阻止) a black car and asked the driver to show his ID card.

       7. Mrs Green is medium ________(体型) and has curly blonde hair.

       8. There are five ________(特色菜) in this restaurant. It’s very crowded.

       9. We had great fun _______(参观) the Great Wall last Friday morning.

       10. He is ________(一直) thinking of others first and then himself.

       VI. 从方框中选择适当的词或短语,并用其正确形式填空

       with, take, teach, because, young, middle, but, well, go for a walk, play with

       Tom likes walking. He ___1___ after his father comes back from work. Tom likes water very much. H often ___2___ his toys in the water, so he is wet(湿的) all over sometimes. His mother says, “Are you from fish?” Tom is very glad, “Yes, I like fish very much ___3___ fish can swim.”

       One Sunday morning, Tom went to a park ___4___ his father. There was a swimming pool in the ___5___ of the park. Tom asked his father to ___6___ him to the pool. “Why do you want to go there?” asked his father.

       “Because I want to learn swimming,” answered Tom. “And you can ___7___ me.”

       “You are too ___8___, and I’m sorry I can’t swim,”said the father.

       “You can’t swim? Jack’s father swims very ___9___. Why can’t you swim?”

       “Because his father likes eating fish,” said the father.

       “Oh, I see.” said Tom. “___10___ you like eating chicken very much. Can you lay eggs(下蛋)?”

       VII. 翻译句子,每空只填一个单词

       1. 假如你想要身体健康,那你得多锻炼。

        You ________ ________ take more exercise ________ you want to be ________.

       2. 走到动物园,花了我们一个半小时

        We ________ one and a half hours ________ to the zoo.

       3. 他正在考虑如何才能解出这道难题。

        He is ________ about ________ he can work out the hard problem.

       4. 当你穿这条繁华的街道时,不要跑。

        ________ ________ when you ________ the ________ street.

       5. 汤姆通常在外面吃饭,因为他不会做饭。

        Tom usually ________ ________ because he ________ ________.

       6. 我这里正下着雪呢,你那边的天气如何?

        ________________ here. ____________________ there?

       7. 琳达说迈克在他们学校篮球队很受欢迎,他长得什么样子?

        Linda says that Mike _____________ in the school basketball team. _________________?

       8. 我们餐馆有许多种类的面条。你想要多大碗的面条?

        Our restaurant has _________________ noodles. ______________________________?

       9. 我真的忍受不了下雨天,因为那让我感觉乏味。

        I really can’t __________________ because they _______________________ bored.

       10. 不要在教室里面打闹。我认为你应该先学习一下学生守则。

        _______________ in the classroom. I think you should ________________ first.

       VIII. 书面表达

       以“My Family Life with a Computer”为题目,写一篇短文。词数80个左右,内容包括你和你的家人用电脑做什么,电脑给你的家庭带来了什么影响等。

       My Family Life with a Computer



       I. 1-5 BCCDB 6-10 BABDB 11-15 DBBBD 16-20 CADBA

       II. 1-5 CDBFA

       6. size 7.What do you like 8. address 9. phone number 10. You are welcome

       III. 1-5 DBCBA 6-10 ACBBC

       IV. 1-5 DACCB 6-10 DCACB 11-15 BCABB 16-20 AADCC

        21. He usually goes to the seaside.

       22. Because he wants to enjoy horse riding, walking and fishing.

       23. Four days.

       24. On the second day of his holiday.

       25. Because the farmer died on the fourth day and he didn’t dare to stay there.

       V. 1. ordered 2. back 3. really 4. anything 5. porridge 6. stopped 7. build 8. specials 9. visiting 10. always

       VI. 1. goes for a walk 2. plays with 3. because 4. with 5. middle 6. take 7. teach 8. young 9. well 10. But

       VII. 1. have/need, to, if, healthy 2. spent, walking 3. thinking, how 4. Don’t, run, cross, busy

       5. eats, outside, can’t, cook 6. It’s snowing, How is the weather 7. is very popular, What does he look like 8. many kinds of, What size bowl of noodles would you like 9. stand rainy days, make me feel 10. Don’t fight, learn the students’ rules

       VIII. One possible version:

       My Family Life with a Computer

       Computer is popular in our modern life. There is a computer in my family, too. My parents bought it three years ago. They put it in the sitting room.

       Father is an engineer. He starts the computer after supper every evening and reads sports news on the Internet. Sometimes he looks for some information. Mother is a teacher. She likes reading, so she often reads e-books on it. I often watch movies on it or play computer games. It is great fun!

       Now the computer becomes one of our best friends.




       3、子乔:钱可以买到房子,但是买不到家;可以买到婚姻,但是买不到爱情;可以买到钟表,但是买不到时间,钱不是一切,反而是痛苦的根源。把你的钱给我 ,让我一个人承担痛苦吧!












       小贤: 你骑着我我怎么冷静啊。










       10、小贤:挖他西瓦 &%¥#…*&贤爆了%##…%#……



       12、一菲:你想想看 ,她为什么不选择别人,而是把艾派德带回来?














       美嘉: 你已经在里面了。









       3、子乔:你 们 这 俩 货 干 嘛 不 搬 到 一 块 去 nia~








       8、关谷:有图有真相(哈哈哈 没图说个X和谐X)







       4、超数老师:嗯~~~ (我觉得这调很好玩哈哈)



















       5、关谷:像那群白痴一样围在他的身边,哈哈哈哈 (哈哈哈哈)












       展博:那还是矿泉水吧 (哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈笑死我了)

       9、机长:灯灯灯灯~女士们先生们,我是本次航班的机长,刚才飞机遇到了气流,有些颠簸,请大家系好安全带,%……*&¥#$… We are now oh oh my god !







       12、小贤:Are you 确定? 你前天就说是后天。















       邮件:下个礼拜,你有空吗?下个礼拜,你有空吗?下个礼拜我们还在这里等着你~别说你太忙,别说你没空,有我们陪你一起放轻松~下个礼拜,你有空吗?下个礼拜,你有空吗?下个礼拜我们还在这里等着你~别说你太忙,别说你没空,有我们陪你一起放轻松!下~个~礼~拜~你~们~还~有~空~吗~~~~ 啊~~~~~~(擦一个字一个字打的忙死我了)





       11、小贤:这个故事告诉我们,不要不待见别人,因为,你也可能被别人不待见;反过来,不要因为被别人不待见而气馁,因为,你也可能随时不待见别人。正是因为我始终坚信这一点,所以,才活到了今天。hiahiahiahiahia~(曾老师是多么让人不待见 - - )















       2、一菲: 哎,还不知道是男孩还是女孩,所以还不知道你是做奶奶还是外婆。(这哪跟哪)

       3、子乔:您喜欢么 (哈哈哈哈)


       5、哈哈 小莲


       7、一菲:他,是弯的。。 (哈哈 曾小莲搞基啊 哈哈)









       美嘉:是啊,1.6L Ecoteo DVVT 发动机,六速手自一体变速箱,BFI一体化车架结构,加上117马力的最大功率,不愧是小车中的,小钢炮~


























       好了,今天关于“cba madeinchina”的话题就到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“cba madeinchina”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的生活中更好地运用所学知识。